Tuesday, June 5, 2012

6 Months Post-Op

6 Months Already?

It has been 6 months since my surgery and I thought by now I would be feeling much better.  I am making a small amount of progress, but it is very small.  I am still using my crutches when I leave the house but not around the house.  I think I am more mobile when I am around the house though.  I am getting more housework done without being in too much pain.

Also, I am taking a pain medicine called Tramadol, as needed.  Tramadol helps to take the edge off of the pain when I do too much.  I usually take it at night only on days when I overdo it, which can be once or twice a week.

I am disappointed that I am not making more progress.  I still can't go to the grocery store without my crutches, or go to the gym without my crutches, or go anywhere where there will be too much walking.

The inflammation in my hip has gone down from when I went to Alaska.  Thank goodness.  I could not get out of pain when I was in Alaska.

I have been swimming, going to the gym, and stretching without too much increase in pain.  That is good!! I am still riding the stationary bike for up to 50 minutes which I couldnt even dream of doing before surgery.  By secret goal is to be able to take a spinning class, but that may not be for awhile.

I see my surgeon at the end of June and that will be my 7 month post-op visit.  My surgeon said many patients take 7 months to feel a difference in their hip because there is tissue floating around in the joint causing inflammation. 

In the meantime my other hip and knee are hurting from all the extra weight that my left side is taking.  This happened to me during my first surgery also.  I hope that the pain lets up on my left side of my body. 

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